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 Mindfulness Verses (Gathas)

Using Poetry in Mindfulness Practice

Everyone has pain and suffering. It is possible to let go of this pain and smile at our suffering. We can only do this if we know that the present moment is the only moment in which we can be alive.

Gathas are short verses that we can recite during our daily activities to help us return to the present moment and dwell in mindfulness. As exercises in both meditation and poetry, gathas are an essential part of Zen Buddhist tradition. Using a gatha doesn’t require any special knowledge or religious practice. Some people like to memorize a favorite verse that they find they can come back to again and again. Others just like to write the verse down in a place they are likely to see it often. ...

We often become so busy that we forget what we are doing or even who we are. I know people who say they even forget to breathe! We forget to look at the people we love and to appreciate them, until it is too late. Even when we have some leisure time, we don’t know how to get in touch with what is going on inside and outside of ourselves. So we turn on the television or pick up the telephone as if we might be able to escape from ourselves.

To meditate is to be aware of what is going on—in our bodies, our feelings, our minds, and in the world. When we settle into the present moment, we can see beauties and wonders right before our eyes—a newborn baby, the sun rising in the sky. We can be very happy just by being aware of what is in front of us.

Reciting gathas is one way to help us dwell in the present moment. When we focus our mind on a gatha, we return to ourselves and become more aware of each action. When the gatha ends, we continue our activity with heightened awareness. When we drive a car, signs can help us find our way. The sign and the road become one, and we see the sign all along the way until the next sign. When we practice with gathas, the gathas and the rest of our life become one, and we live our entire lives in awareness. This helps us very much, and it helps others as well. We find that we have more peace, calm, and joy, which we can share with others.

As exercises in both meditation and poetry, gathas are a key part of the Zen tradition. When you memorize a gatha, it will come to you quite naturally when you are doing the related activity, be it turning on the water or drinking a cup of tea. You don’t need to learn all the verses at once. You can find one or two that resonate with you and learn more over time. After some time, you may find that you have learned all of them and are even creating your own. Composing your own gathas to fit the specific circumstances of your life is one wonderful way to practice mindfulness.

We do not need to control our breath. We simply feel the breath as it actually is, and in this way we unite our body and mind, bringing the calming energy of mindfulness into each moment of our life.

1. Following the Breath

Breathing in, I calm my body.
Breathing out, I smile.
Dwelling in the present moment,
I know this is a precious moment.

2. Finding a calm place

I close my eyes and see myself
As a pebble in a clear stream.
Slowly I sink down and down and down
To rest in peace on the sandy bottom.

3. Hearing the Siren

Hearing the siren, all thinking stops
Becoming vigilant, I open my eyes
Helping those around me
move to the shelter.

4. Taking Refuge in the Shelter

May we be safe.
May we be peaceful.
May we be protected from all harm.

5. In the darkness

In the darkness I close my eyes
The moon and stars shine within.
I know the faithful sun will rise tomorrow.

6. Hugging Meditation

Breathing in,
I am so happy to hug my beloved.
Breathing out,
I know she is real and alive in my arms.

7. Drinking Water

In this sip of water
I see the whole universe
supporting my existence.

8. Eating Bread

Holding a piece of bread,
I pray for others
to have something to eat.

9. Getting Dressed

Putting on these clothes,
I am grateful to those who made them
and to the materials from which they were made.
I wish everyone could have enough to wear.

10. Touching the Earth

Earth brings us to life and nourishes us.
Earth takes us back again.
We are born and we die with every breath.

11. Smiling at Your Anger

Breathing in, I feel my anger.
Breathing out, I smile.
I stay with my breathing
so I won’t lose myself.

12. Ending the Day

The day is ending,
our life is one day shorter.
Let us look carefully
at what we have done.
Let us practice diligently,
putting our whole heart into the path of meditation.
Let us live deeply each moment in freedom,
so time does not slip away meaninglessly.